Spirits Sermon (Describing the Heaven)

2021.11.22 - 10:16
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3. Describing the Heaven:

He has organized the openings of its walls without the suspension, and welding cracks of its deviation and entwined between its pairs. He facilitates the way for those who come down by His order and those who go up with the deeds of His creatures. He has facilitated the way for those who come down by His commands and for those who go up with the deeds of the creatures. Its ascending place is snick. He called it when it is a smoke so directly its parts joined. Then Allah opened the gate and put thick material at its hole, carrying them with His powerful hands so that it does not fall in the vastness of the space. Then Allah ordered it to stop, so directly did under His obedience, then He made the sun glowing for its day and the moon is a gloomy sign of its night. Then Allah ordered them to move in their orbits and ordained them motion in the stages of their paths in order to distinguish between the night and the day; and to recognize the numbers of years so that the calculation could be according to their fixed movement. Allah, then, hangs its vast space of the sky and put the stars as a decoration glowing with the light and brightness. He shot at the over-hearers arrows of bright meteors. Then He put them in motion on their limited routine where they become fixed stars, moving stars, descending stars, ascending stars, ominous stars and happinesss stars.

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