Imam Ali’s Sayings on This World Part 1

2021.07.30 - 05:44
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This world is neither clean for any drinker [to drink from] nor is it loyal to any owner.

This world is filled with tribulations [and] stricken with tragedies and calamities.

This world is fleeting and perishing: [even] if it remains for you, you will not remain for it.

This world is smaller, more lowly and more insignificant than for one to keep grudges in [and because of] it.
This world is a prison for the believer, death is his gift and Paradise is his [permanent] abode.

This world is a PAradise for the disbeliever, deat is his dispatcher and hell is his [permanent] dwelling.

This world is a deal of the [one who has been] defrauded and human being is defrauded by it.

If this world unfolds, it opens up and when it disperses, it departs.

This world takes turns, so be moderate in seeking it, and be patient until your turn comes to you.

This world is a present offering, [both] the virtuous and the vicious partake of it, but the Hereafter is the Abode of truth wherein a [wise and] powerful king rules.

This world is [like] the shadow of clouds and the dream that is seen while asleep.

Reliance on this world, despite what is seen of its vicissitudes, is ignorance.

This world is full of misfortunes.  It afflicts with disasters and adversities.

The conditions of this world are based on convention whereas the condition of the Hereafter are based on merit.

This world is [made up of] agonizing hardships, painful deaths and sharp lessons [or drastic changes].

This world is a trap for the souls and settling place of every detriment and misery.

This world is a hindering deception, a vanishing mirage and a bent pillar.

The times of this world, even if they prolong, are short; and its enjoyments, even if they are many, are few [when compared to the Hereafter].

One who desires it (this world0, it troubles him and makes him wretched.

The winner is one who sells his world for his Hereafter.

Put all your effort and endeavour in gaining salvation from the place of wretchedness and punishment and deliverance from the place of tribulation and chastisement.

Reject this world as a dispraised thing, for it has rejected one who loves it more passionately than you.

Remove [the love of] this world fro your hearts before your bodies [are made to] leave it, for in it you are tested and for other than it have your been created.

Draw near to the one to whom this world has yielded [itself], for indeed he is more worthy of prosperity [than the one who follows this world and its allure].

Flee from this world and divert your hearts from it, for it is the prison of a believer -  his share of it is little and his mind is sickened by it and his sight is dulled in it.

Look at this world as those who are uninterested in it would look at it, having diverted themselves from it, for it will, by Allah, shortly turn our its inhabitants and cause grief to the one who is living in luxury and the one who feels safe.

Be wary of the deception of this world, for it always takes back that which it beguiles with from its charms and drives away the one who feels at ease and is settled in it.

Reject this world which will [shortly] abandon you even if you do not like to leave it, and which will make your bodies [grow] old even if you would like to have them rejuvenated.
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