Spirits Sermon ( Describing Allah Almighty )

2021.11.22 - 10:08
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 Masaada Bin Sadaqa narrated from al-Sadiq Jaafar Bin Mohammed (peace be upon them) who said, "Amir al-Muminin held this sermon from the pulpit of the Kufa mosque, when a man asked him," O Amir al-Muminin (peace be upon him) " Describe Allah for us in such a way that we imagine that we see Him with eyes so that our love and knowledge may increase about Him". He became angry and shouted" Collective Prayer, the people gathered even the mosque became overcrowded. He ascended the pulpit while he was angry and his face color was changed. He praised and extolled Allah, and blessed upon the prophet and his family).

For the importance of the sermon that he held in the Kufa Mosque and from its platform, we mention the first three parts of it: 1. describing Allah Almighty, 2. Attributes of Allah Almighty in Quran, 3. His description of heaven.

1. Describing Allah Almighty  

"Praising is all to Allah, Who doesnt know refusal and stinginess, Who is neither the munificence nor the generosity make Him poor. For anybody who gives away thinking it is lose, except Him, and for his niggardliness, the miser blamed, except Him. He is the munificent with His bounties and plentiful gifts and grants. All beings are His dependents, where He guaranteed their livelihood and ordinated their sustenance. He has opened a way for those who wish to turn to Him and for those who seek an answer of what they have. He is more bestowal without asking Him than those from them one is asked. He is the First for who there was none before so that there could nothing before Him. He is the Last for who there is no after so there could nothing after Him. Time does not change him to admit any change of condition about Him. He is not in any place to allow Him moving from one place to another.

If He gives away all that mines of the mountains and cuttings of coral that the shells of the ocean vomit out, it will not affect his munificence nor admonish the extent of what he has. Actually, he still has such treasures of bounty as will not decrease by the demands of the creatures because he simply is that generous. Thus, He is not angry for their begging and their questions, He is not stingy although the insistence of the misers.

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